Hey guys,
What a sick day...huhuhu..gosh it soooooo many pain here..huh..tired already..hehehe..pe la yg merapek..well, as usual..now tgh berhempas pulas menelaah for test..quiz..complete the assisgnment..haih..amat letih..final lg sbulan je ni...hah ckp psl final..time table dh kuar and guess what?FIN329 is a first paper maa....last paper HR..ohohohoho...sgt baik kn..
Bukan pe..Fin kire one of the tough paper..yg sgt digeruni ramai..trmasok la repeaters..byk kot topic nye..and totally about investment..huh dh la aku ni dark of investment..hahahaha...tp pepun trpaksa la berkorban demi final...stdy hebat2 la utk fin ni..(aduh apsal aku rs bhsa aku tonggang tbalik ni..)..sory la mybe dh lme xwat ayt kot..huhuhu...
So skang we focus on DRAMA..by using SIX THINKING HATS theory..mmg best..agk gmpak jln citer nye..(padahal xperform lg pon...huhuhu...)..group aku create story like cinderella...tp ni kire another 'sinderella' story style..hehehehe...14april ni ktorg perform..markah 2..ti yg kene arrange kasi gempaq abis...dh mcm2 props yg dibincangkan..mcm2 agenda yg di warwar kan..n macam2 ada dlm citer ni...hope dpt la ktorg mrkah yg gempak gk..
by the way...wish my group luck..huhuhu...kite kasi gegar sama kelas cct dec09-apr 2010...hahahaha...mengarut pe la!!
~Praktikal Time~
13 years ago