Hey there...
what the great travel here..huhuhu..in dreaming only...lame dh x update space ni..bkn pe xtau nk share pe kat sni...it just like a words but not statement material..hahaha..ape aku merepek ni...btw..aku bkn la rjin nk write down everything yg aku face everyday..just let it be..and hnye aku je yg tau what was happen there..hehehe...
well..for the new semester..it was the same...cume janggal skt r (cewah ayt skema abis) coz dlu stay kat blik berempat but now I was move kat blik berdua..huhuhuhu...bak kte Acha..berdua lbh baik..hahaha...it just a song..but the reality is..quite different and I don't know how to say..
differ in situation,differ in environment..totally differ dude..nk lpak dgn mmber pn jaoh yg amat..my room was on the 2nd level..huh..tinngi siot..hehehe..mkin kurus la nmpknye aku..
(poyo giler)...
And suprised it...aku mkin rjin plak dlm bab2 rekreasi ni..hahaha..jogg every weekend..playing bdminton every evening..sometimes on morning too..lpak kompleks men futsal..and klu xde halangan after chinese new year..nk lyn tennis plak..with my bf..huhuhu..die gian dh nk pukul bola tennis tu..eh hello!!!bf stand for best friend ok...don't misunderstanding la...korg ni bkn leh...dgr bf je dh ingt len..huhuhu...
hah..another one..for this semester..dh mcm honeymoon daa...kurg skt bz rather than the other semester..xtau la nape...mybe sbb assgnment x byk or aku yg xksh..hahaha..bhaye tu fara..xdela actually assgnment dh de dh..just kne handle sndri la kn..cm biase..for HR..company pn br dpt..next week nk g interview..kat jb..emm construction cmpny i guess..then CCT..or lbh glamour nmenye adalah Creative & Critical Thinking..huh?dhsyt x?aku critical abis r..ICU pn kalah..huhuhu..subjek yg agk simple but quite tough too sbnrnye..xleh amik smbil lewe je..ne xnye..100% course work...got a drama with 50%..byk tu..assgnmnt?simple..design file CCT sekreatif yg boleh...hahaha..best2..xyah pikir ssh2 pn kn...
well...everyday is a challenge..everyday is a chance..try make a gab for some space to ourselves..that was be a learning for every step..keep in touch!
~Praktikal Time~
13 years ago
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